Capturing Design Ideas

I’m often asked…
… where I get my design ideas from.
Some I create on my own, sometimes I hire a designer, but often I’ve seen an idea somewhere else and later found the “perfect spot” for it.
One of my favorite aspects of being in the real estate industry is going to homes that have been renovated and getting new ideas for how to decorate and renovate.
I regularly go to open houses for this reason (as well as to network with new realtors) and have been known to follow an open house sign on my way home.
I also find a ton of ideas online; my feeds on social media know what I like and I routinely see something flash across the screen that I want to remember for later.
In addition, I receive home improvement circulars and they always advertise their most beautiful designs.
I don’t know about you, but I can’t always remember the ideas, so I take pictures (or capture screen shots) and organize them in my online drive by subject (for instance, doors, windows, patios, kitchen backsplash, etc.)
I do them online (for me it’s Google Drive) because I can access my files from any device. That way when I need an idea for a particular home I’m remodeling I can find it quickly by scrolling through ideas that I already know I like.
The key is being organized so you can find them quickly. If a particular group is getting too large, refine the subject further by adding a qualifier at the end (for instance, doors-front, doors-wood, etc.) and reorganize your photos. It’s fun to go back through them every so often and get new inspiration from “old” ideas.
Have fun exploring, capturing, and reminiscing!