
Catastrophizing isn’t easy on anyone, but rest assured that you can easily get help to avoid overthinking about the future and things that you have no control over.

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People sell their homes for different purposes. Some of them want to move to a new state and there are those who want to upgrade into a bigger or better place. If you are a private homeowner, it’s challenging to sell your home at first, especially if you have zero experience. But once you have…

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Xotic Pups

I’ve found that being a pet owner has given me a different appreciation for adding “sizzle features” during home remodeling. When I first bought my home in the Spring of 2016, it wasn’t because of the big fenced in back yard, or because the neighborhood was dog-friendly, or even because it had an extra sliding…

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I have a goal this year to read at least one book a quarter (or more) that helps to enrich my life or change my way of thinking. One of my favorite books of all time is The Generosity Factor by Kenneth Blanchard. I read it at least once a year (it doesn’t count toward…

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